Frequently Asked Questions


SIXTH GRADE: First year Members attend ten instructional workshops, where they are taught basic dance steps and social courtesies. Sixth Grade Members attend a Holiday Party at the conclusion of the Cotillion season. 

SEVENTH GRADE: Second year Members attend ten instructional workshops, building on skills learned in the Sixth Grade program. Seventh Grade Members attend a Holiday Party at the conclusion of the Cotillion season. 

EIGHTH GRADE: Members attend two instructional workshops, reviewing skills previously learned. Additionally, Members attend a formal etiquette dinner at the Grasslands Country Club, ending with a Holiday Party at the conclusion of the Cotillion season. 

JUNIOR ASSEMBLY: Ninth & Tenth Grade Members attend two instructional workshops, reviewing previously-learned skills. At the end of the season, Members attend the Silver Bells formal dinner dance. 

SENIOR ASSEMBLY: Eleventh & Twelfth Grade Members participate in Senior Assembly. They attend two instructional workshops and the Holly Ball. Workshops include resume building, reference letter skills, interviewing skills, job application skills, and college preparedness.


Members must re-register every year.

Class calendars are mailed in August to enrolled members.

 Must have attended 6th or 7th grade in order to register for 8th grade, must have attended 8th grade in order to register for 9th grade and so on.